737 research outputs found

    Análisis de la implementación de la Resolución 1541 de 2013 por la cual se reglamenta la gestión de olores ofensivos como soporte para proponer un ajuste normativo desde la gestión ambiental

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    El presente proyecto se enfoca en la necesidad que tiene el estado, y en este caso en particular, el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, de conocer el efecto y los resultados de aplicar las obligaciones y consideraciones establecidas en la reglamentación de olores ofensivos, específicamente la Resolución 1541 de 2013. Lo anterior, teniendo en cuenta que los procesos de actualización normativa son más efectivos en la medida en que el ente rector de la Política Ambiental Nacional, cuente con información técnicamente soportada que le permita definir las necesidades de cambio o ajuste que se requieren para lograr los objetivos de contar con un aire menos contaminado y por tanto aportar a la meta y mandato constitucional de proveer un ambiente sano para la sociedad. En este sentido, esta propuesta de ajuste de la norma se enfoca en obtener información de diferentes actores que hacen parte de la cadena de implementación de la Resolución 1541 a partir del análisis y clasificación de estos, el juicio de expertos y la revisión de un expediente de un proyecto considerado atípico y representativo en el país el cual se encuentra categorizado dentro de la actividad que capta aguas de un cuerpo de agua receptor de vertimientos, para que sea tenida en cuenta en los procesos de actualización normativa de desarrolla el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible y de esta manera aportar a los procesos de evaluación que se han realizado enfocados en definir la efectividad de la Política Nacional de Control y Prevención de la Calidad del Aire. Palabras claves: Resolución, Olores Ofensivos, Aplicación, Autoridad Ambiental, GestiónThis research focuses on the need for the state, specially the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, to know the effect and the results in the obligations and considerations application, established in the regulation of offensive odors, specifically the Resolution 1541 of 2013. The foregoing, taking into account that regulatory updating processes are more effective to the extent that the governing body of the National Environmental Policy has technically supported information that allows it to define the needs for change or adjustment. that are required to achieve the objectives to having a less polluted air and therefore contribute to the goal and constitutional mandate to provide a healthy environment for society. In this sense, this proposal to adjust the standard focuses on obtaining information from different actors that are part of the implementation chain of Resolution 1541, based on the analysis and classification of these, the expert opinion and the review of a file project considered atypical and representative in the country, that is categorized within the activity that captures water from a body of water that receives discharges, so that it is taken into account in the process of updating regulations developed by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and in this way contributes to the evaluation processes that have been carried out focused on defining the effectiveness of the National Air Quality Control and Prevention Policy. Key words: Resolution, Ofensive odors, Aplication, Enviromental authorty, Enviromental managementMagíster en Gestión AmbientalMaestrí

    How Will It Drape Like? Capturing Fabric Mechanics from Depth Images

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    We propose a method to estimate the mechanical parameters of fabrics using a casual capture setup with a depth camera. Our approach enables to create mechanically-correct digital representations of real-world textile materials, which is a fundamental step for many interactive design and engineering applications. As opposed to existing capture methods, which typically require expensive setups, video sequences, or manual intervention, our solution can capture at scale, is agnostic to the optical appearance of the textile, and facilitates fabric arrangement by non-expert operators. To this end, we propose a sim-to-real strategy to train a learning-based framework that can take as input one or multiple images and outputs a full set of mechanical parameters. Thanks to carefully designed data augmentation and transfer learning protocols, our solution generalizes to real images despite being trained only on synthetic data, hence successfully closing the sim-to-real loop.Key in our work is to demonstrate that evaluating the regression accuracy based on the similarity at parameter space leads to an inaccurate distances that do not match the human perception. To overcome this, we propose a novel metric for fabric drape similarity that operates on the image domain instead on the parameter space, allowing us to evaluate our estimation within the context of a similarity rank. We show that out metric correlates with human judgments about the perception of drape similarity, and that our model predictions produce perceptually accurate results compared to the ground truth parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures. Accepted to EUROGRAPHICS 2023. Project website: https://carlosrodriguezpardo.es/projects/MechFromDepth

    Influence of 1D and 2D carbon fillers and their functionalisation on crystallisation and thermomechanical properties of injection moulded nylon 6,6 nanocomposites

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene were used as reinforcing fillers in nylon 6,6 in order to obtain nanocomposites by using an injection moulding process. The two differently structured nanofillers were used in their pristine or reduced form, after oxidation treatment and after amino functionalisation.Three low nanofiller contents were employed. Crystallisation behaviour and perfection of nylon 6,6 crystals were determined by differential scanning calorimetry and wide angle X-ray diffraction, respectively. Crystallinity was slightly enhanced in most samples as the content of the nanofillers was increased. The dimensionality of the materials was found to provide different interfaces and therefore different features in the nylon 6,6 crystal growth resulting in improved crystal perfection. Dynamical, mechanical analysis showed the maximum increases provided by the two nanostructures correspond to the addition of 0.1 wt.% amino functionalised CNTs, enhancing in 30% the storage modulus and the incorporation of 0.5 wt.% of graphene oxide caused an increase of 44% in this property. The latter also provided better thermal stability when compared to pure nylon 6,6 under inert conditions. The superior properties of graphene nanocomposites were attributed to the larger surface area of the two-dimensional graphene compared to the one-dimensional CNTs

    An Interactive App for Color Deficient Viewers

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    Color deficient individuals have trouble seeing color contrasts that could be very apparent to individuals with normal color vision. For example, for some color deficient individuals, red and green apples do not have the striking contrast they have for those with normal color vision, or the abundance of red cherries in a tree is not immediately clear due to a lack of perceived contrast. We present a smartphone app that enables color deficient users to visualize such problematic color contrasts in order to help them with daily tasks. The user interacts with the app through the touchscreen. As the user traces a path around the touchscreen, the colors in the image change continuously via a transform that enhances contrasts that are weak or imperceptible for the user under native viewing conditions. Specifically, we propose a transform that shears the data along lines parallel to the dimension corresponding to the affected cone sensitivity of the user. The amount and direction of shear are controlled by the user'sfinger movement over the touchscreen allowing them to visualize these contrasts. Using the GPU, this simple transformation, consisting of a linear shear and translation, is performed efficiently on each pixel and in real-time with the changing position of the user's finger. The user can use the app to aid daily tasks such as distinguishing between red and green apples or picking out ripe bananas

    Riesgo de miocarditis por vacunas ARNm contra el SARS CoV 2

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    LDL particle size and composition and incident cardiovascular disease in a South-European population: The Hortega-Liposcale Follow-up Study.

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    The association of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle composition with cardiovascular risk has not been explored before. The aim was to evaluate the relationship between baseline LDL particle size and composition (proportions of large, medium and small LDL particles over their sum expressed as small-LDL %, medium-LDL % and large-LDL %) and incident cardiovascular disease in a population-based study. Methods: Direct measurement of LDL particles was performed using a two-dimensional NMR-technique (Liposcale®). LDL cholesterol was assessed using both standard photometrical methods and the Liposcale® technique in a representative sample of 1162 adult men and women from Spain. Results: The geometric mean of total LDL particle concentration in the study sample was 827.2 mg/dL (95% CI 814.7, 839.8). During a mean follow-up of 12.4 ± 3.3 years, a total of 159 events occurred. Medium LDL particles were positively associated with all cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke after adjustment for traditional risk factors and treatment. Regarding LDL particle composition, the multivariable adjusted hazard ratios for CHD for a 5% increase in medium and small LDL % by a corresponding decrease of large LDL % were 1.93 (1.55, 2.39) and 1.41 (1.14, 1.74), respectively. Conclusions: Medium LDL particles were associated with incident cardiovascular disease. LDL particles showed the strongest association with cardiovascular events when the particle composition, rather than the total concentration, was investigated. A change in baseline composition of LDL particles from large to medium and small LDL particles was associated with an increased cardiovascular risk, especially for CHD

    Generation of organotypic multicellular spheres by magnetic levitation : model for the study of human hematopoietic stem cells microenvironment

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    Q4Q3Background and Objective: The characteristics of human hematopoietic stem cells are conditioned by the microenvironment of the bone marrow, where they interact with other cell populations, such as mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial cells; however, the study of this microenvironment is complex. The objective of this work was to develop a 3D culture system by magnetic levitation that imitates the microenvironment of human HSC. Methods and Results: Human bone marrow-mesenchymal stem cells, umbilical cord blood-hematopoietic stem cells and a non-tumoral endothelial cell line (CC2811, LonzaⓇ) were used to develop organotypic multicellular spheres by the magnetic levitation method. We obtained viable structures with an average sphericity index greater than 0.6, an average volume of 0.5 mm3 and a percentage of aggregation greater than 70%. Histological studies of the organotypic multicellular spheres used hematoxylin and eosin stains, and an evaluation of vimentin expression by means of immunohistochemistry demonstrated an organized internal structure without picnotic cells and a high expression of vimentin. The functional capacity of human hematopoietic stem cells after organotypic multicellular spheres culture was evaluated by multipotency tests, and it was demonstrated that 3D structures without exogenous Flt3L are autonomous in the maintenance of multipotency of human hematopoietic stem cells. Conclusions: We developed organotypic multicellular spheres from normal human cells that mimic the microenvironment of the human hematopoietic stem cells. These structures are the prototype for the development of complex organoids that allow the further study of the biology of normal human stem cells and their potential in regenerative medicine.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9152-5552https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3075-9854https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0084-0339https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1881-9367N/

    Crosstalk Between LXR and Caveolin-1 Signaling Supports Cholesterol Efflux and Anti-Inflammatory Pathways in Macrophages

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    © 2021 Ramírez, Torrecilla-Parra, Pardo-Marqués, de-Frutos, Pérez-García, Tabraue, de la Rosa, Martín-Rodriguez, Díaz-Sarmiento, Nuñez, Orizaola, Través, Camps, Boscá and Castrillo.Macrophages are immune cells that play crucial roles in host defense against pathogens by triggering their exceptional phagocytic and inflammatory functions. Macrophages that reside in healthy tissues also accomplish important tasks to preserve organ homeostasis, including lipid uptake/efflux or apoptotic-cell clearance. Both homeostatic and inflammatory functions of macrophages require the precise stability of lipid-rich microdomains located at the cell membrane for the initiation of downstream signaling cascades. Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) is the main protein responsible for the biogenesis of caveolae and plays an important role in vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis. The Liver X receptors (LXRs) are key transcription factors for cholesterol efflux and inflammatory gene responses in macrophages. Although the role of Cav-1 in cellular cholesterol homeostasis and vascular inflammation has been reported, the connection between LXR transcriptional activity and Cav-1 expression and function in macrophages has not been investigated. Here, using gain and loss of function approaches, we demonstrate that LXR-dependent transcriptional pathways modulate Cav-1 expression and compartmentation within the membrane during macrophage activation. As a result, Cav-1 participates in LXR-dependent cholesterol efflux and the control of inflammatory responses. Together, our data show modulation of the LXR-Cav-1 axis could be exploited to control exacerbated inflammation and cholesterol overload in the macrophage during the pathogenesis of lipid and immune disorders, such as atherosclerosis.We thank MINECO FPI predoctoral fellowship granted to MCO (BES-2015-075339). Experimental work was supported by grants from Ministerio de Ciencia, Investigación y Universidades, y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Grant REF: PID2019-104284RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (to AC) and support from Networks of Excellence from MINECO (Nuclear Receptors in Cancer, Metabolism and Inflammation [NuRCaMeIn] SAF2017-90604-REDT to AC. Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Ministerio de Ciencia, Investigación y Universidades, and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (SAF2017-82436-R, RTC2017-6283-1), Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CB16/11/00222), Consorcio de Investigación en Red de la Comunidad de Madrid, S2017/BMD-3686 and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (to LB). Ministerio de Ciencia, Investigación y Universidades, and Agencia Estatal de Investigación Proyectos de I+D+i Retos Investigación 2018 (RTI2018-095061-B-I00); TALENTO Grant from Madrid Government, Spain (2017-T1/BMD-5333); Consejería de Ciencia, Universidades e Innovación Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (PEJD-2018-POST/BMD-8900 and PEDJ-2018-AI/BDM-9724) to CMR

    Expression of insulin-like growth factor I by activated hepatic stellate cells reduces fibrogenesis and enhances regeneration after liver injury

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    BACKGROUND/AIM: Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) express alpha-smooth muscle actin (alphaSMA) and acquire a profibrogenic phenotype upon activation by noxious stimuli. Insulin-like growth I (IGF-I) has been shown to stimulate HSCs proliferation in vitro, but it has been reported to reduce liver damage and fibrogenesis when given to cirrhotic rats. METHODS: The authors used transgenic mice (SMP8-IGF-I) expressing IGF-I under control of alphaSMA promoter to study the influence of IGF-I synthesised by activated HSCs on the recovery from liver injury. RESULTS: The transgene was expressed by HSCs from SMP8-IGF-I mice upon activation in culture and in the livers of these animals after CCl4 challenge. Twenty four hours after administration of CCl4 both transgenic and wild type mice showed similar extensive necrosis and increased levels of serum transaminases. However at 72 hours SMP8-IGF-I mice exhibited lower serum transaminases, reduced hepatic expression of alphaSMA, and improved liver morphology compared with wild type littermates. Remarkably, at this time all eight CCl4 treated wild type mice manifested histological signs of liver necrosis that was severe in six of them, while six out of eight transgenic animals had virtually no necrosis. In SMP8-IGF-I mice robust DNA synthesis occurred earlier than in wild type animals and this was associated with enhanced production of HGF and lower TGFbeta1 mRNA expression in the SMP8-IGF-I group. Moreover, Colalpha1(I) mRNA abundance at 72 hours was reduced in SMP8-IGF-I mice compared with wild type controls. CONCLUSIONS: Targeted overexpression of IGF-I by activated HSCs restricts their activation, attenuates fibrogenesis, and accelerates liver regeneration. These effects appear to be mediated in part by upregulation of HGF and downregulation of TGFbeta1. The data indicate that IGF-I can modulate the cytokine response to liver injury facilitating regeneration and reducing fibrosis